Monday, November 15, 2010


As you focus and work on your dream, you grow as big as your dream. As you grow your dream, you also keep growing. As you expand your dream, you also keep expanding. - Bo Sanchez

Hi! Just want to drop a quick “Hello!” to you. I’m writing this in a beautiful hotel lobby, enjoying violin music in the background. I’m sipping my hot choco. And I’m breathing in the lovely ambience around me. Hmmmm…

I’m realizing that I’m late bloomer. I’m now 44. And it’s as though I’m still learning how to enjoy life! Honest!

Because once upon a time, I didn’t enjoy life. I thought I didn’t deserve it. That somehow, God will get angry if I enjoyed life too much. That I such a selfish person if I enjoyed too much. Oh, what a twisted mindset!

Now, I’m able to savor God’s goodness with an open heart. I smile more. I laugh more. I enjoy life more.

Hey, I hope you learn how to enjoy life more.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

Oh, another thing that makes me feel happy today: In 11 days, it happens! The biggest, most inspiring, miracle-filled event of the year is almost here. (If you’re in Manila, fantastic. If not, fly here!) There’ll be 10,000+ people who’ll get their souls recalibrated, recharged, and restored at the Kerygma Conference 2010 at the PICC on November 26, 27, and 28. The best speakers. The best music. The best experience. For more details, call up Tel. (02) 7259999. Or log on at now.

Bo Sanchez, 60 Chicago St., Cubao , Quezon City, Metro Manila 1109, Philippines

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